Today Recap

Today I managed to get 8 hours sleep which I haven't been able to do for quite a while, even during weekend. I used to be able to sleep for 10 hours straight. As I get older, once my body alarm wake me up, usually at 6 am no matter how late I sleep, it is so hard to fall asleep again. I HATE IT BECAUSE I LIKE SLEEPING.

Anyway, thanks to para tukang demo we got a day off. Yeay... Last time demo gave us two day off. Sometimes I wonder why like that leh. Just because you have more people it makes you always right meh? Then law for what? A little little demo can already. So unfair! Maybe Ahok should just give up. Why fight for this kind of people. Our country does not deserve people like him *sad*

Anyway 2, I helped babysit Aaron today because the confinement aunty left already and the suster is not here yet and his mom is sick. You know when you get to play with baby once in a while it is all good and cute. But when you really need to take care of them it can be really distressing. Imagine when you are feeding him, suddenly you heard poop coming, so you lay him down to change him, and milk come out from his mouth because you haven't burped him yet and he starts crying because he is still hungry. Chaos. But then again you see him all smiling everything is alright again.

So thats pretty much sum up my day. Good night guys!

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