My Nightmare Every Once In A While

I was busy mincing the pork meat, my mbak would not do it because she read on facebook some said it is haram to touch pork 😥 (she was okay with it before), when she suddenly blurted out: ci aku minggu depan mau pulang ya.


Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lempar piso gede gede yg lagi di pake buat nyincang ke arah si mba in my imagination.

Actually she deserved a break, but there were few things I was worried about:
1. She said she is going home to settle some documents but her brother, whom works with us too as mandor, told us she is going home for her engagement. She is freaking 16 years old! 
2. What if her FIANCEE told her not to work again??? 
3. My sil can not eat outside everyday because she is breastfeeding so need healthier food. My mba and I usually cook and I won't cook if there is no mba because I hate doing dishes. Housekeeping works will be done by mba cuci so no problem with that.
4. What if she has not come back when it is time for me to go home
5. My mom has trained her for past two months so she did quite well for now. She was so meh when she started working. I DON'T WANT TO TEACH NEW PEOPLE IF SHE DOES NOT WANT TO COME BACK. IT IS SO STRESSING.

Okay I need to go back to sleep. Bye.


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