Déjà vu

Déjà vu is a french word which literally means "already seen". It is a phenomenon of having a strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past (copy paste from wikipedia).

I was having breakfast with Apui and our housemate to celebrate Apui's birthday when suddenly I feel déjà vu. I dreamt about this event couple weeks ago. The place in my dream was the same like this morning. The way we seated and the atmosphere also the same like in my dream.

I feel so special when I experienced this déjà vu thing. Maybe because not a lot of people can experience it plus I don't have any special thing that I can be proud of.

Beside of feeling déjà vu, I am able to dream about future as well (okay, I'm a bit over confidence to say such thing because I only experienced it once only). It was when I applied the visa to come to Sydney. I was so scared that the Australian embassy will not approve my visa so I pray every night. Then one night I have a dream where some voice tell me that "your visa will be approved". And then the next morning I got a call that the Australian embassy approved my visa. Like seriously. I even got goosebumps when I type this.

One minus things about it is I rarely dream about lotto number. Imagine that I can win alot of money by only having a dream. That will be the best life ever.


  1. jadi aku pernah baca gini: kalau kita mengalami satu kejadian itu langsung di simpan di otak. nah dejavu itu super fast memory calling. baru simpan uda di tarik lg. kayak akhir bulan habis gajian gitu deh. makanya rasa nya kayak pernah ngalamin. sekian dan terima kado

  2. iyaaa... sering kan rasa nya habis gajian tau tau uda habis


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