Uncle Choipan

My mood was crappy this afternoon.
Some work got a lil bit complicated. I ended up had to wait for a pick up at the lobby (not our usual route) for 30 minutes because the traffic jam was sooooo bad. It was hot, dusty, and I was carrying heavy stuff and felt so miserable *pms*

When I reached the lobby I saw the choipan uncle sitting on the floor. I greeted him and he gave a faint smile and looked tired. I was standing in front and at one point I looked back I saw him worriedly counting the choipan left. I think there was still a lot left 😢 I silently took this picture. I wanted to buy some from him but then later nobody eat how. It was my 1st time saw him like this because he is usually a cheerful person when going around selling choipan.

Right at the moment I felt like an complete asshole. A spoiled kid who never went through any hardship in life. Complaining and whining about little things that won't caused any significant change in my comfortable life.

Uncle, I hope you sell a lot choipan tomorrow! 💪

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