The fortune cookie accident

I saw two fortune cookies in the living room this morning which is belong to the other housemates. Seeing it make me remember about the fortune cookie accident.

So, last year me and my friend (let's call him apui, not his real name, obviously) went to food festival. There were people who distribute fortune cookies for the visitors and since we love free stuff, we did not want to lose the chance. So, we took it and when I opened it, it says that

What appeared to be a loss will turn out in your favour

Then, I asked what apui got for his fortune. The conversation went like this:

Me: What you got from your fortune cookie?

Apui: What?

Me: Your fortune cookie.. Is there any paper from your fortune cookie?

Apui: No, I didn't got anything

Me: That's strange. Maybe not all of us got it.

Then we walked for a bit and I became curious and I asked him again

Me: Did you break the cookies before you eat it?

Apui: No, I just ate the whole cookies

Me: You supposed to break it to get the paper

Apui: Ooohhh.. That's why the cookies taste so strange. I thought the cookies must be expired or something.

Luckily nothing happened to him after eating a paper, but I curious what his fortune cookie about. Maybe it will say "Error 404: fortune not found".

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