December 11:17 PM I really love this month of the year. It's end of a year, it's holiday season. There will be Apui's birthday, Christmas day, m...
Getting old 5:03 AM You know you are getting old when you don't mind to go around bringing this trolley. I used to hate this kind of trolley. I hate it ...
Homecook Food Ftw 4:38 AM Yesterday's leftover for breakfast this morning. I ate with no intention to stop. I ate slowly for around 1 hour until my mom told ...
Chinese Ouija Board 8:51 AM For those who know have watched Ouija board or maybe played Ouija board in real life, definitely know that there was really something/spirit...
Heritage 8:40 AM The red top was once wore by his dad. It was sewn by my amah. Too bad she didn't get a chance to see Aaron 😢
Eggs 12:47 AM I went to buy egg this afternoon and I found this JUMBO EGG. If you see the packaging clearly, there is size information which is J f...
Friend from Middle School 8:18 AM There was one time when we were at dinner, Oppa met someone from their middle school. Since I was not at the same middle school with them, o...
Guilty Pleasure 7:48 AM One of my guilty pleasure is I love Jkt48. It was like a karma. When they first came out, I looked down at them. Seriously, their performan...
Pizza for supper 5:14 AM Yeah.. I just finish 3 slices of pozza. So much guilty now. But how can I resist the promotion? I can get large pizza, soft drinks and choc...
Chrismation part 2 7:49 AM Like I said, I got my Chrismation today. Went to church at 7.30 am, arrived at 8 am and wait outside the church until almost 9 am. Total par...
Bubur Pedas FTW 7:07 AM I don't get why someone don't like bubur pedas. It is a food that packed with nutrition. It has carb from the rice. It has fiber ...
Indonesian food 4:57 AM Before I go to Sydney, I'm scared that I can't eat rice or even Asian food. Since I'm Indonesian tulen, I can't live without...
Chrismation 8:22 AM Tomorrow I am gonna get Chrismation at Sambas Kristus Raja church. Not really excited compared to when I first get my baptism last two years...
Another Boring Post to Avoid the Fine 7:24 AM It is 10 pm and I just back from a friend's wedding. Usually I will start writing a post at 9 and finish at 10 and then go to sleep. I w...
Another train post 3:52 AM Tonight the train is full with people again. When I say full, it's really really full. Passengers can't even move their body, can...
Driving at night 6:30 AM Me driving the car at night with my mom and the radio was on. Mom : Hey, did you see there is something at the side road. Me : Huh? I do...
Our Only Trip 6:13 AM I suddenly remember about our trip to Brunei and Kinabalu. Do you guys still remember how we made it to the trip? Who planned the trip? How...
Tired 3:35 AM It's 22.29pm Sydney time. I just finish working and f*cking tired. And train is full of people so I need to stand. I have been runnin...
No electric and Internet 8:21 AM Yesterday was the day where I experience a little doom's day. Here is why. 1. There was no electric for the whole day. So, no TV, no fa...
Each to His Own 8:05 AM So when I was doing research about the China snake guy, I found another bizzare case. Her name is Danae and she is freaking 15 years old. I...
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo 3:15 AM This is another Korean drama that I'm obsessed with. The story is about woman weightlifting athlete and man swimming athlete. Why I li...
Plastic Surgery 8:26 AM Thanks to the internet, we who lives in the countryside could know what is happening out there. There are so much things to see, some are go...
When Things Get Awkward 7:02 AM Everytime I go out, I prefer to wear softlense. Besides for the vanity purpose, another reason is because I am a socially awkward person. W...
Conversation of the day 2:48 AM Me: kok kita kaya babi banget ya? Apui: maksudnya? Me: kita tadi abis dinner langsung tidur.. bilang cm mau tidur satu jam malah tidur b...
Shaburi 7:44 AM Shaburi for dinner with my friends tonight. For those of you who live far away or in a very very very small town, Shaburi is an all you ca...
Kimi No Na Wa 7:26 AM Kimi No Na Wa or 'Your Name' in english is a japanese animated movie released on July 2016. The movie received so many positive revi...
A girl with no smile 3:52 AM I know someone that never smile. Maybe she smile sometimes, but ever since I know her, I never seen her smile. I wonder why. Maybe she is ...
Baby Update (Part 2) 6:39 AM Aaron visited doctor today. He is 4.2 kg and healthy. The doctor said he can only gain another 0.2 until he is 1 month old which is in next...
Pizza Roti Tawar 5:27 AM Jadi demi menulis blog ini tiap hari, otak ku selalu mencari sesuatu yg layak untuk ditulis. Minggu kemarin, aku mencoba mencari resep pizza...
Liea (part 2) 3:37 AM I'm working as a waitress now. (Yeah.. divorce, have a job as a waitress. What a life) When I'm working, I will have a name tag in ...
Frater 7:50 AM Hari minggu kemarin aku ga bisa pergi ke misa gereja dengan berbagai alasan. Sama seperti Ratnalolat yang ke gereja nya bolong2 meskipun sem...
Apa Kabar DIET? 6:38 AM Tadi makan malam disini. ENAK BANGET. GA MAHAL LAGI. Pesan kepiting asap dua ekor, ikan bakar cabe ijo, kerang ijo saus padang, kerang bamb...
Liea (part 1) 5:14 AM I have known Apui for more than 1 year know. And not long a go, he asked me this. Apui: Is your real name Liea? Me: Yes Apui: Like L i ...
Anak Gereja 8:34 AM Jadi tadi ke gereja dan kebetulan ada pengangkatan dan pemberkatan putra putri altar. There were 23 kids and they all are still soooo young....
Bill Gates 5:58 AM We all know that Bill Gates is once again become the world number one richest man on earth with net worth of more than USD 82 billion. We so...
Cockroach 4:56 AM Before I come to Sydney, I always think Sydney as really good city. Clean and all sort of things. Then it was time for me to go to Sydney....
Dark humor (21++) 7:46 AM One time, when I was at dinner alone, I overheard a big fat guy trying to tease the diner's owner. From the look maybe they know each ot...
A Sweet Talk 7:17 AM "我要看妳快樂 每一秒 每一分 每一天。我就夠了" "面對什麼事 什麼問題放輕鬆 勇敢去面對。妳的前面的路妳會過的很簡單" When you had a long day and some one said such nice th...
What it feels like being divorced? 4:59 AM What do I feel being divorced? I feel awesome. For a quick story behind my married. I was told to marry some om-om (lol) back in 2014. Th...
A Sweet Farewell 7:09 AM We didn't mean to hurt you. We take full responsibility for what we have done. You pushed us this far. You kept taking what was not m...
Sweet stranger and me 4:34 AM No, the title is not about my life. Sweet stranger and me is a title of korean drama I currently watch. The story is about a young man th...
Lebaran Kuda 1:48 AM Bagi yang mengikuti berita di Indonesia, Jokobi belakangan rajin sekali bertemu dan mengunjungi beberapa instansi dan ormas, serta bertemu d...
Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them 9:01 AM Whether you are a potterhead or not, this movie is still very recommended to watch. The story is enchanting, the CGI is rich with ideas and ...
Uncle Choipan 7:14 AM My mood was crappy this afternoon. Some work got a lil bit complicated. I ended up had to wait for a pick up at the lobby (not our usual r...
Conan Edogawa 11:59 PM I read comics since I was in junior high school. I remember there is serial cantik comic. Romance comedy comics with handsome boy as the le...
Taste of Urine 6:13 AM At the usual dinner Oppa : the soup is tasteless. Maybe they forget to add salt. Gotta ask them for salt. Me : Or maybe they run out...
Tiger Grandma 5:35 AM Me playing with baby: Aaron cepat gede yaa... Nanti bisa bantu kuku. Boleh bu belanja boleh bu belanja My mom: Aaron nanti jadi dokter kok
Conversation of the day 8:14 PM I was getting ready to go to work. Apui: I want to get ready too. Me: Where do you want to go? Apui: Sending you to the airport. Me:...
PMS Rant 6:28 AM I put on 1 kg during the weekend. I is sad. On saturday I went on sushi galore. When the first order came, we finished it rather quick and...
Fly 2:18 AM Summer is coming. The weather is getting hotter now in sydney. And believe me or not, in this kind of weather there will be a lot of fly e...
Happy Birthday 1 9:17 AM When I was a kid, I am always looking forward to my birthday because that night I will get so many presents from friends. It is like a Chris...
My First Crush 7:58 AM It was during my last year in smp, I don't remember how and why, I started going to basketball games. My fav team at the time was Sma ...
5 Stages of relationship 4:50 AM 1. The Introduction Stage Symptoms: lack of sleep, can't stop messaging or talking on the phone. Introduction stage is usually where...
Knock Knock 9:38 AM Oppa : knock knock Me : Who is there? Oppa : Oppa Me : Oppa who? Oppa : Oppa gangnam style It is getting really late and ...
711 (part 2) 8:25 AM Here are my top 3 most memorable moments from our years of friendship. Two of these happened after the UN. I guess we realized our time toge...
Harry Potter 5:06 AM I love Harry Potter so much. Reading Harry Potter was the best thing for me. It literally makes me happy when I read it. I read all the bo...
The conjuring 2 8:50 AM As I say before, Oppa is a movie freak. Almost all kind of movies he likes to watch, except Horror movie. Well, not everybody like it, but n...
711 (Part 1) 6:56 AM Why 711? There are 7 girls and 4 boys and it added up to 11 and we girls are more dominant, so its 711 not 411. The most happening dram...
Eat healthy 3:21 PM I have been eating instant noodle every night now. And last night I realize that it's really bad for my body (you just realize last nig...