
Last year I watched a news where some people drink beer from a shoe (yes, you read it right SHOE). Jadi orang ini buka sepatu nya sendiri dan minum beer dari sepatu nya itu.

Apparently there is a ritual in Australia named shoey.

The "shoey" is a ritual popular in Australia where the drinker either removes their own shoe, or nominates a friend's shoe to be used as the vessel. The shoe is tilted and the entire contents of a can of beer are poured into the shoe's opening. Once the beverage has settled, the beer is drunk by tipping the shoe up to the mouth and chugging it. (Copy paste from Wikipedia because I am too lazy to type)

Biasa nya ritual ini dilakukan kalau team kesayangan kamu menang dalam suatu pertandingan gitu.

So, kalian mau coba?

1 comment:

  1. Ewwwww... Pake sepatu ku aja. Yang uda lama ga dicuci. Aroma dan warna beer nya pasti berubah jadi wine.


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