Baby Update: 2 Months 10 Days

All he could do in the past one month was staring blankly and no reaction toward sounds. In 2 months time, quite few things has changed.
- he smiles. ALOT. which is the cutest thing ever
- he starts to babytalk.
- he can search where the sounds come from and can response to voices
- he hates people touching his both cheeks at the same time. He will scream bloody murder which I am gladly to do over and over again.
- he loves being carry facing the front. But it is so hard to do for long time because only can use one hand to sustain all the weight
- he can sleep without need to be carried all the time

So far it was really fun to have a baby at home. Can't wait until he starts crawling and sitting up. Grow up well baby 😘😘😘

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