I am a Courier

There was one time when I went to Singkawang alone to do something and the day before I already let my gang know so that they don't bother to ask me out for lunch or dinner. 

When I was at Singkawang, suddenly my phone rang. It was a line message from Rin, asked me if I was at Singkawang at the moment. 

Rin : Are you at Singkawang right now?

Me : Yeah, I have something to do, but will be free for lunch. What's the matter?

Rin : Can you come by my house when you are free? 

Me : What's the matter??

Rin : Just stop by when you are free.

Me : Nope! No negotiation. Just tell me what is the matter first.

Rin : Fine, I have something for you and your friend.

Me : Oke. *Excited*

When I arrived, she brought two packages with her. One is quite big and the other one is small. 

Rin : So, I have something for Oppa for his coming birthday. Please give it to him, Oke?? *handing me the big package* And this is for you, as a thanks for helping me. *handing me the small package* 

Me : Oke. No prob. 

As long as I get something, I don't mind at all helping her. I could even say nice thing about her in front of Oppa. Muahahahahahaha..

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